the importance of hugs

So many of us are blessed with close and loving relationships in our lives.We share our ups and downs with these people.We fight,we make up.We go away and miss each other.We come back and party.All of it is so beautiful.But somewhere along the lines, we take a lot of things about these relationships for granted.

The culture I live in, hugs are  part of formal meeting gestures.I hardly ever saw family members hugging each other because they wanted to show their affection or support.Or maybe, I don’t get out much.But anyway, hugs are very very important.They are God’s way  of showing security and protection to His creatures,through His creatures!

Sometimes when things are’nt right and your closed ones are in need of support, you go to them and shower them with all your philosophical shit about life being a winding road and how things will be fine when you see the next corner .But all they need right then is one fine,big hug.Problem solved.But no, we never think about it.We ask them to speak their hearts out, shed however much tears they want to shed, have bucketloads of icecream,watch some chick-flick..anything.Just anything to make them feel better.But we forget that a simple cuddle will calm them down.

What a shame.I just realized I never hugged my siblings that way and it hurts me too bloody much.Why have I not shown them how much I love them.This is it. I am gonna make sure I give them bear sized hugs next time I meet them.Resolution#567

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