sad n lonely post >just that kind of a day!

All of us have a atory to tell.Everyday holds a new page to the diary of our lives.It is commendable how gracefully we carry our heavy hearts and get on with lives.God knew when he made the heart,how strong  a piece of machinery he was fixing into the human body.It is amazing how much the heart can bear and still keep functioning.Although I do believe, every loss we face in our lives leaves a hole in our heart,which no physical thing,person or achievement can fill.

I am into a new phase of my life, but the phase I left behind is not something I can let go because it still holds the people I love.

I have just gotten off a call to my mother and I hung up very upset and agitated.I had decided that I would not let things worry me like they used to, and I will not shed tears in hopelessness because there is always hope.That said, I have never had a  relationship with my parents where I can console them for any loss, calm them with kind words or the like.I always end up being dead quiet, thinking that my words will never be good enough.That I am still that little child for them who  they don’t expect will understand the severity of things.

I have always seen them worrying for others more than they ever worried for themselves.I thought that’s what made life worthwhile.But what is this? They have ended up alone,disolated and helpless.I probably should’nt say that.We all have God to help us, so there is no question of helplessness,but they should be in a better position than they are in,right now.

I don’t know what to say or do.There is this constant, burning pain in my heart that never goes away.I should have been in a better position to give my parents even an inch of what they have always given me.I am in total despair right now as to what I can do to make things better.I just keep praying there is no bigger turmoil than this that we have to face.I hope all of us will come out of this in one piece, safe and secure.

Although, for sure, the souls will be scarred.And the hearts will bleed.

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2 Responses to sad n lonely post >just that kind of a day!

  1. One Fair Summer Evening says:

    I, too, am entering a new phase of my life that my parents aren’t crazy about. It is so hard to reconcile my dreams with their visions of my future. It is always so hard to do what you want when they only want you to stay put and get married. Having not fully resolved things with my parents yet I can’t say if there’s anything to make it better. But if you don’t do what you want you will always feel this way and never know if yhou could have had both.

    • totally! it’s not easy striking a balance between what you want and what they want.But, you have to make some compromises on both sides,doesnt work without it. wish you all the best for your future though,we can only hope things turn out ok for us,even if not exactly what we dreamed of.

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